⏰時段: 早上11:00-12:00
報名範例:英文名字-上課日期(Maygo 2/12)
Chicken Little and Big
Children will explore the life cycle of a chicken using model eggs and a story told by Dr. CJ and Mrs. Cluck. Later each child will make a nest for their baby chick to take home and care for. Understanding how animals develop and grow helps children understand the changes in their bodies.
孩子們將使用模型雞蛋來探索雞的生命週期,Dr. CJ (Dr. Christopher Johnson) 和Cluck夫人將會一起講述本次課程的「故事性思考」故事。 在我們的課程活動中,每個孩子都會為他們的小雞做一個巢,並將帶他們回家照顧。 孩子們也將於課程中瞭解動物是如何發育和成長,也有助於孩子理解我們在母親孕期的胎內身體變化。
Fennel Toothpowder
Fennel is a wonderful herb that helps keep our teeth clean and breath fresh. Children will grind the herb into a fine powder which they will mix with baking soda to create a traditional toothpowder. Later they will listen to Dr. CJ’s story about how Else Cow’s toothache caused the whole farm to care for their teeth better.
茴香是一種美妙的香草,它常被用來幫助保持牙齒清潔和維持清新的口氣。 孩子們將把香草磨成細粉,並與小蘇打粉混合,用以製造傳統的牙粉。之後,孩子們將聆聽Dr. CJ (Dr. Christopher Johnson)自創的「故事性思考故事」,這是一個關於Else Cow因為牙痛而促使整個農場的動物們認知到要好好地照顧牙齒的故事唷。
Herbal Bean Bag
When heated, herbs give off a relaxing and soothing smell that can help calm any child or parent. Children will create a herbal mixture combined with beans and rice inside a cotton bag. After heating in a microwave for one minute, they can place the bag under their pillow to enjoy the fresh herbal scent well into the night. Later they will listen to Dr. CJ’s story about how Henry horse cursed his sleepless nights with a gift from Mrs. Cluck, the chicken.
當香草被加熱時,會釋放出一種放鬆和舒緩的氣味,這個氣味可以幫助平靜與安撫任何孩子或父母。在我們本次的課堂中,孩子們將在棉布袋裡放進豆類與米,並用其來製造一種他們自創的「特製香草袋」。 回家後,他們可以將於課堂中製作的「香草袋」放進微波爐中加熱一分鍾,他們便可以將袋子放在枕頭下面,享受它於夜晚散發出來的新鮮的香草氣味。隨後,孩子們也將聆聽Dr. CJ (Dr. Christopher Johnson)自創的「故事性思考故事」,這是一個關於Henry horse如何用Chicken Cluck夫人的香草包禮物來破除他無法入眠的夜晚魔咒的故事喔。
Pet Rocks
Every child has their dream pet. We will guild our kids to know more about animals’ world by storythinking and special activity which was designed for the class. This creative activity uses small flat stones drawn on and later painted into a menagerie of creatures from the natural world. Each student will select two rocks of different shapes and sizes and then choose an animal design to draw on it using acrylic pencils. Later they will finish the procedure by filling in the animal's body.They will listen to Dr. CJ’s story about how Barney Dog found a home and became Timmy’s best friend.
每個孩子都有他們夢想的寵物,我們將透過「故事性啟發思考」與為課程所設計的特別活動,來引導我們的孩子了解更多關於「動物的世界」。孩子們將利用小鵝卵石來進行課程中的創意活動,他們將會在小石頭上彩繪他們心中的來自大自然的動物世界。每個學生將選擇兩塊不同形狀和大小的石頭,然後使用壓克力筆來繪製他們的動物設計。之後,他們也將在動物的身體上填上美麗的色彩來完成活動。除此之外,孩子們也會在課程中聆聽Dr. CJ (Dr. Christopher Johnson)為我們的孩子所發想的一個關於Barney Dog是如何找到他所屬的家,並且與 Timmy成為最好的朋友的「啟發性思考故事」。
⏰時段: 早上11:00-12:00
Chicken Little and Big
Children will explore the life cycle of a chicken using model eggs and a story told by Dr. CJ and Mrs. Cluck. Later each child will make a nest for their baby chick to take home and care for. Understanding how animals develop and grow helps children understand the changes in their bodies.
孩子們將使用模型雞蛋來探索雞的生命週期,Dr. CJ (Dr. Christopher Johnson) 和Cluck夫人將會一起講述本次課程的「故事性思考」故事。 在我們的課程活動中,每個孩子都會為他們的小雞做一個巢,並將帶他們回家照顧。 孩子們也將於課程中瞭解動物是如何發育和成長,也有助於孩子理解我們在母親孕期的胎內身體變化。